Small Game Birds

I used to enjoy hunting for birds including quail, doves, grouse or pheasants. During hunting season my family and friends would meet and prepare their different birds to share. I followed my own recipe that I would like to share with you.



  1. Clean the birds well, wash and dry with a towel.
  2. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
  3. Place the birds in a buttered roasting pan; cover each bird with 2 slices of salted pork. Spoon olive oil over all birds. Use salt sparingly. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes; reduce heat to 300 degrees.. Cook for about 20 minutes more, depending on the size and age of the birds. Do not overcook! They should be slightly pink, rare and juicy. Remove birds to a warmed platter.
  4. Make gravy in the roasting pan. Pour off pork fat and grease from the pan, add the butter and chicken stock, and the brandy or cognac.
  5. Place pan on top of stove and simmer while stirring the mixture until the liquid is reduced to a smooth gravy.
  6. Place birds on a warmed platter, pour the gravy over top of the birds.
  7. Serve with toasted Italian bread spread with chive butter, and Esser .

Serves: 4-6, depending on size of birds

Wine Pairing

Esser® Vineyards  Chardonnay

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